An innovative protein solutions business uses their vertically integrated, global supply chain to distribute grass fed beef across retail, f...
DecisionNext has produced this whitepaper which focuses on how its patented machine-learning technology combines with your industry expertis...
Say goodbye to point forecasts and manual data collection. Instead, DecisionNext combines human insights with machine learning to give you c...
Meet Ray Dalio, the wildly successful founder of Bridgewater Capital—a hedge fund with more than $160 billion under management. After star...
Examples of forecasting overconfidence abound. Prior to the Challenger space shuttle launch, NASA estimated the risk of a catastrophic...
When Amazon enters a market segment, the ripple effects are felt by suppliers, competitors, and consumers. As your business prepares to comp...
Volatility in both the buying and selling of natural resources commodities creates tremendous complexity, but also tremendous profit opportu...
The team at DecisionNext has seen (up close) the differences between the kinds of analytics initiatives that soar—with double-digit return...
Volatility in the buying and selling of value-added meat processing creates tremendous complexity as well as tremendous profit opportunity...
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